DIgSILENT Ibérica DIgSILENT Ibérica - Power System Engineering and Software
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RTE Grid Code: Control and Stability Theory with DIgSILENT PowerFactory
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Publicado el 4 de Abril de 2016

The Réseau de Transport d’Électricité (RTE), transmission system operator (TSO) in France, publishes in the website the procedure to comply with the regulatory framework and the Technical Reference Documentation to connect a generation unit to the high voltage network.

In Chapter 4 of the Technical Reference Documentation ("User's Contribution to the performances of the Public Transmission Network", Article 4.3 Stability), the TSO requires to verify and demonstrate the stability and robustness of a generator as part of the connection studies.

The TSO provides detailed information to perform these studies. Apart from faults and voltage dips, requirements include the computation of the stability margins: gain margin (Mg), phase margin (Mphi), module margin, delay margin and complementary module margin of the generator-regulator group.

Based on DIgSILENT PowerFactory, DIgSILENT Ibérica has developed the tools to perform these studies and provide a clear view of the system’s robustness (AVR, governors, etc.), using Modal Analysis, Nyquist and Bode diagrams.

Source figures: RTE Référentiel Technique (08.05.2015) and DIgSILENT PowerFactory

Etiquetas: Stability, Modal Analysis, Nyquist, Bode, RTE, Référentiel Technique